

De CEBES Perquín
1932 bytes añadidos ,  15:13 19 feb 2021
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El arte, no solo está destinado a satisfacer el disfrute y la contemplación del público o de los consumidores de estas piezas artísticas que producen, si no que además, cumple con el objetivo de fomentar el equilibrio espiritual, la sensibilidad y la estética. Implica, abundancia de creatividad y de imaginación al momento de crear. Es así como, se puede decir que la cultura y el arte son ambas relevantes para lograrla evolución de la sociedad, en base a las facultades intelectuales del individuo y a través de, ideas o expresiones que identifican a los diferentes grupos sociales.
*<div class="mainpage">{| class="mainpage-maintable"|-| class="mainpage-column-left" | <!-----------------------------------Picture of the day-------------------------------------><div class="mainpage-box mainpage-box-orange"><div class="mainpage-box-title">[[Expresiones_del_Patrimonio_Cultural.|Expresiones del Patrimonio Cultural]]</div><div class="mainpage-box-content">{{{Highlights Text|If you are browsing Commons for the first time, you may want to start with '''[[Commons:Featured pictures|Featured pictures]]''', '''[[Commons:Quality images|Quality images]]''', '''[[Commons:Valued images|Valued images]]''' or '''[[Commons:Featured media|Featured media]]'''.<br /><br />You can also see some work created by our highly skilled contributors in '''[[commons:Meet our photographers|Meet our photographers]]''' and '''[[Commons:Meet our illustrators|Meet our illustrators]]'''. You may also be interested in '''[[Commons:Picture of the Year|Picture of the Year]]'''.}}}</div></div>  <!-------------------------Right column: Announcement and Photo Challenge boxes---------------------------------->| class="mainpage-column-right" | <!-------------------------Highlights----------------------------------><div class="mainpage-box mainpage-box-blue"><div class="mainpage-box-title">[[Lenkas/Lengua.]]</div>* <div class="mainpage-box-content">{{{Highlights Text|If you are browsing Commons for the first time, you may want to start with '''[[Commons:Featured pictures|Featured pictures]]''', '''[[Commons:Quality images|Quality images]]''', '''[[Commons:Valued images|Valued images]]''' or '''[[Commons:Featured media|Featured media]]'''.<br /><br />You can also see some work created by our highly skilled contributors in '''[[commons:Meet our photographers|Meet our photographers]]''' and '''[[Expresiones del Patrimonio CulturalCommons:Meet our illustrators|Meet our illustrators]]'''.You may also be interested in '''[[Commons:Picture of the Year|Picture of the Year]]'''.}}}</div></div>|}</div>